I think URLPattern is underrated in server-side JavaScript. Everyone ends up reinventing their own subtlety different route definition syntax.


app.get('/user/:name', ...)
app.get('/post/:date{[0-9]+}/:title{[a-z]+}', ...)
app.get('/posts/:filename{.+\\.png}', ...)


router.get('/user/:id(\\d+)', ...)
router.get('/plantae/:genus.:species', ...)

They're all fine and great and all that, I just like the builtin-ness of URLPattern.

Demo of URLPattern in action:

const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: "/user/:name" })
const match = pattern.exec("https://example.org/user/Alan%20Turing")
//=> {
    "pathname": {
        "groups": { "name": "Alan%20Turing" },
        "input": "/user/Alan%20Turing"

📚 URL Pattern API | MDN

Here's how I've started using it to DIY my own rudimentary router for basic sketches without any dependencies:

// ⭐ Define your routes here. Order matters.
const routes = [
  [new URLPattern({ pathname: "/" }), {
    HEAD() { return this.GET(); },
    GET() { return new Response("Visit /api/<thing> to see it happen"); },
  [new URLPattern({ pathname: "/api/:thing" }), {
    HEAD(request, match) { return this.GET(request, match); },
    GET(request, match) {
      console.dir(request.url); //=> "https://localhost:8000/api/small-thing"
      console.dir(match.pathname.groups.thing); //=> "small-thing"
      // ... do the stuff with the thing
      const { thing } = match.pathname.groups;
      return new Response(`The thing is: ${thing}`);
  // ... more routes here

export default {
  // 👨‍💻 Do the routing here.
  async fetch(request) {
    const route = routes
      .map(([pattern, handlers]) => [pattern.exec(request.url), handlers])
      .find(([match, handlers]) => !!match);
    if (!route) return new Response(null, { status: 404 });
    const [match, handlers] = route;

    const handler = handlers[request.method];
    if (!handler) return new Response(null, { status: 405 });

    // Monkey around with pre/post middlewares here.
    return await handler.call(handlers, request, match);

This works great for making easy copy-paste no-dependency demos in the Deno Deploy playground. I'm sure it also works great with the Cloudflare Workers playground too.

Sometimes you just want the most basic of basics. But often the basics aren't enough; don't reinvent the wheel if you don't have a reason to.